In the beginning, we were 5 ex-employees of the dairy of Jindrichuv Hradec and regional agricultural laboratory when we decided to set up our own company – AGOR-LA Inc. Firstly, we produced our own milk cultures to test milk quality. If the milk was right, the cultures started multiplying inside of the milk. -
When the milk cultures multiply, it refers to a good milk quality, but also it naturally creates yoghurt, under the process of acidification. This led us to further yoghurt production! Initially, we were distributing it amongst our employees, but as the demands increased, we decided to expand our production. We bought adequate equipment, set up manufacturing link, maturing room, cooling room and storage room. In September 1993, we have made our first natural yoghurt and introduced different flavours in the following months. -
Capacity of the original manufacturing link began to be insufficient, hence we have invested in our first appropriate refurbishment. We purchased and introduced innovative technology that helped us to automatize the whole manufacturing process. -
We have started to produce unique fermented milk with added health-beneficial milk cultures. Unlike normal yoghurt, it contains homogenized whole fat milk which helps to keep the liquid consistency suitable for drinking. The taste of the milk is naturally sour and refreshing. -
In 2017, we celebrated exactly 25 years on the Czech market. During that time, we have won multiple national and regional awards, but one remains the same, our recipe and traditional manufacturing process. We are entering the next quarter century with new energy and second-generation leaders. We innovate our marketing communication and design, whilst adding new flavours to our yoghurts and products, only so you can enjoy it brand-new! -
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